Reports of potential stoat sightings are incredibly important, and we cannot thank you enough for your support! If you think you've seen a stoat, please tell us as soon as possible. The sooner we know then the more success we will have catching it. Don't delay tell us today! You can learn more about how we use your stoat sightings here.
An accurate map reference is vital when telling us where you have seen a stoat. We recommend using What3Words mapping, as it is precise to three metres. You can pop the What3Words reference in the stoat reporting form in the other useful information box.
- You can use the map and zoom quite far into it using the + signs to help choose the precise location.
- By pressing the small square icon on the left-hand side of the map underneath the + and - signs you can also enlarge the map to full screen which will enable you to zoom in even closer to provide a more detailed map reference for us. Pressing the square icon again brings you back to the normal web page.
- You can click and drag the orange circle to choose the location on the map
- For any help with identification, please check out our handy guide on how to identify a stoat from how it looks and its footprints.