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Do you run holiday accommodation, operate as a tour guide or host tourists at an Orkney visitor attraction?

Orkney’s natural heritage supports a thriving wildlife tourism industry with nearly half of all visitors spending time watching birds and other wildlife. You can help protect and celebrate Orkney’s incredible native wildlife by sharing its importance with your visitors and encouraging them to be wildlife-friendly.

Our traps can be seen at the 5,000 year old heritage site of Skara Brae and we are proud to help protect Orkney’s historical heritage, as well as its native wildlife. Since the traps have been in place voles have been seen around the neolithic village for the first time in some years.

Tourism workshops

Each year we plan to run free workshops for tour operators and guides to:

  • share more about Orkney’s amazing native wildlife
  • offer ideas for where to spot wildlife across the islands
  • provide information about responsible land access and making sustainable visits
  • give an update on the progress of the Orkney Native Wildlife Project
The last workshop for the Orkney tourism industry in 2019 included a close up of how our traps work - information to pass onto Orkney's visitors

Keep an eye on our News & Events page for our next workshop dates, follow us on Facebook or contact us to find out more.

Get Involved

Report a stoat
Offer land access