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Stoat Snippet 23

1 March 2018

Welcome to the twenty-third weekly stoat snippet!

These snippets will be a short update on progress with both the Orkney Native Wildlife Project and the Orkney Mainland Predator Invasion Biosecurity Project, as well as addressing any concerns that folk have raised with SNH and RSPB Scotland.

Orkney Native Wildlife Project

Last Friday evening we gave a talk for the Orkney Field Club, with an update about the project to date, and how we have been taking on feedback from members of the public to ensure we continue to develop in the direction that benefits as many people as possible through the project resource. A chance to ask questions was given again, and we were pleased to have such positive support from the members of the group as well as all who attended the evening. A summary can be found in this week’s Orcadian.

The deadline for the online and paper questionnaires has now ended, and we are still in the process of analysing all the completed ones and will let you know the results once we have finished. We had over 800 responses, and are very grateful to everyone who took the time to fill them in and feedback thoughts about the project.

As ever we are still keen to hear any comments about the project, or answer any queries. In particular, if you have any further thoughts on the citizen science plans or if you are a teacher in Orkney and want to be consulted about the school sessions, please get in touch by emailing

The initial trapping trial is now completed, and results are still being looked at along with the footage from the Goodnature traps. Remember, if you have any questions and the trapping trial or any other aspects of the project, you can contact us on the email addresses below.

A mountain hare caught on camera on Hoy

Orkney Mainland Predator Invasion Biosecurity Project

No stoats were caught in the last round of biosecurity checks.

Incursion responses

Hoy: There was another potential stoat sighting last week on the camera traps video footage, spotted by our skilled trapping team. Blink and you would have missed it! Anyone on the island do keep your eyes peeled for any other signs, or sightings of stoats!

The team have been battling on through the snow to keep up the trapping and monitoring, even though this is proving challenging. Keep up the good work!

Please remember, if anyone thinks they have seen a stoat on Hoy or South Walls please report it immediately by phone or email.

In fact, if you live on any of the islands, and think you have seen a stoat, it is essential that you contact us as soon as you can by calling 01856 886163, by emailing or through the ‘Stoats in Orkney’ Facebook page.

Answering your concerns…

Remember, if you have any comments or concerns please contact or

And, once again, don't forget to keep reporting any sightings of stoats, including those in winter coats, whether on the mainland or outer isles, as soon as possible, to SNH by calling 01856 886163, by emailing or through the ‘Stoats in Orkney’ Facebook page.

And remember, to keep up-to-date with the project, please follow our Facebook page

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