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Papa Westray, get ready for Waderfest! Taking place on 29-30 September 2023, this will be a night and day of of wader related demonstrations, activities, and talks, at locations across the island.

The North Isles are an incredibly important landscape for wading birds, like curlew, oystercatcher, and lapwing, among others. Many of these species are struggling to adapt to changes in the land and climate across the UK. The North Isles are an incredibly important haven for wading birds, sitting below the East Atlantic Flyway, along which hundreds of thousands of birds migrate every year!

Waderfest is a celebration of the special role which Papay plays for waders, and an opportunity to explore how we can help them to survive and thrive. We’ve got a full day of engaging activities planned, proceeded by a range of interesting talks, from a range of interesting people!

Papay Waderfest will kick off in the evening of Friday 19 September, with a range of talks at the Papay Hostel. There'll be a meal midway through the talks, and plenty of time to grab a drink! The following day will be filled with guided walks, demonstrations and workshops, (as well as lunch!). These will take place across Papay, at Hundland, Clestrain, and North Wick.

Papay Wadefest Line-Up

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